Cool Bags & Cool Boxes For Summer

If you love long summer days out, you’ll be familiar with the often extortionate prices of buying food around tourist spots. Many of the food outlets tend to make their money during the summer months and while the occasional treat is good, if you rely too much on paying for others to prepare your food it can get extremely expensive. This relates to both holidaying in the UK and abroad.

If you haven’t considered it already, a ‘cool box’ or more manageable ‘cool bag’ (or cooler bag) is an ideal way to take your home-made goodies with you. You can be more experimental including sandwich fillings which require being kept below a certain temperature, produce which is best served chilled or at least cold can travel with you to that far-flung beach or hillside.

Why not add a bottle of wine or some fresh fruit juice. There is nothing quite like the traditional British picnic and a cool box will help keep your food and drink cool throughout the day.

We at Camping Online have a variety of great cool boxes and cool bags which can be viewed here:

And here’s a featured new cool bag we have in stock:

Summit 26L Coolbag with Front Cooler Hand / Shoulder Strap

Summit Cooler BagSummit 26L Coolbag with Front Cooler Hand / Shoulder Strap Family size cool bag great for picnics and days out will keep food fresh alll day.
Ideal for keeping drinks cold at festivals. Material is extremely tough yet lightweight. Coolbag is washable and folds into a compact shape for easy storage.
Code: SUM820
EAN/UPC: 5035288105067
Brand: Summit
Price £ 9.99
Vist item on shop:






